Thursday, September 24, 2015

Freedom With Responsibility Pictures

This example of freedom with responsibility is for the students. These students are given the freedom to leave campus or their classes if they choose to, but they also have a responsibility to return to these classes and finish work, otherwise this freedom is taken away.

This picture of freedom with responsibility is simple: You cannot have one without the other. To have freedom, you must also have a responsibility to even it out. If you do not have any responsibility to go along with the freedom, then there is nothing stopping you from straight up leaving or not doing any work you were to have completed.

Freedom with responsibility has multiple parts to it. You are given a set amount of boundaries at the beginning and a limited amount of freedom. Once you have shown that you can complete a responsibility, your range of freedom increases. If you cannot show responsibility, then your freedom will not increase.

A real life example of freedom with responsibility is the Declaration of Independence. The founding fathers or the U.S. Government had to create a declaration saying that they wanted freedom. But with this freedom, they also had to make sure they could have responsibilities to keep this new country in balance. Otherwise it would fall out of balance quickly and become chaotic.

Another real life example of freedom with responsibility is the first amendment, the right of freedom of speech. Every person has the right to say what they want, which is the freedom of speech, but with this freedom at any given time you must also remember that there are restrictions. You must have the responsibility to make sure what you are saying is not going to cause any problems with people, as you must answer for any consequences you may create for yourself.

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